June 22 update – Guideline for return to play June 22 to July 5th
We have merged information from June 18th update with June 22nd update
1. While soccer activities may resume June 22 – COACHES DO NOT HAVE START ON JUNE 22nd. The next phase of return to play is scheduled for July 6th. It is anticipated that full contact games and full contact practices will be allowed on this date.
2. INTOWN Scrimmages may begin after July 6th – guidelines for that will be coming. We will start offical INTOWN soccer games in September.
3. Travel Team tryouts AFTER JULY 6 but before JULY 31
Video and infografik from New Jersey youth Soccer
njys_rtp_poster_061620-616There are significant restrictions in place for Phase 3 soccer.
Quick FAQs
From the NJ Department of Health, “Coaching staff and parents/ guardians should wear cloth face coverings. Athletes are also encouraged to wear cloth or disposable face coverings when not engaging in vigorous activity, such as when sitting on the bench, when interacting with an athletic trainer, etc. Face coverings should not be worn by staff or athletes when engaging in high intensity aerobic or anaerobic workouts or while in the water, or where doing so would inhibit the individual’s health.”
Players and coaches must still maintain social distancing (NO CONTACT) in Phase three
Follow all return to play protocols
Send home players if they are not feeling well
Provide adequate physical distancing at all times
Ensure all players are not sharing water/equipment (ball permitted)
Only Coach handles equipment.
Be understanding to parents/players that may delay returning to play
What is the recommended procedure for attending to an injured player?
Remain calm. Stop the activity (training or game). Send players to their designated bag area and call their parents for pick up. Check the scene to make sure it is safe for you and the injured player. Coaches are
advised to maintain 6′ physical distancing guidelines while questioning the player about their injury. If that is not possible, the coach and anyone attending to the injured player should follow universal precautions
and wear personal protective equipment (mask and gloves) before attending to the injured player.
Check for bleeding-treat for shock; if you suspect a head or neck injury, do not move the individual call 9-1-1 and the players parents.
Parents are responsible for:
Checking your child’s temperature before any team related event
Notify your club immediately if your child becomes ill
Ensure your child has sanitizing products and plenty of water
Stay in car or adhere to social distance requirements
Ensure washing (e.g. hands) takes place before and after every training
Ensure clothes and equipment are sanitized before and after every training
To keep you and all of our players, participants, coaches and their families safe, we are following the guidelines and recommendations of the New Jersey Department of Health and requiring that every participant be assessed for COVID-19 symptoms and risk factors each day before engaging in any youth soccer-related activity (practices, competitions, events and/or before entering into any facilities, etc.). The questionnaire questions must be answered for each player for each youth soccer activity on the day of the subject activity before the player will be permitted to engage in the subject activity.
Go here for screening questions:
njys reduce the spread colorJune 18th update entering Phase 3 Soccer on June 22
See June 22 updates
June 15th update entering Phase 3 Soccer on June 22
If you have questions: Ask soccer@bloomfieldsoccer.us
Dear parent, players, and coaches. Over the next few days guidelines are being issued for a safe and comfortable return to youth sports including soccer. As there are many changes happening very quickly, we are going to post information as it becomes available and provide daily updates
New Jersey Youth Soccer, with the guidance of the Governor’s office have announced June 22nd as the date the soccer activities can return with RESTRICTIONS. This is “PHASE THREE”
njys return to play faqs 061120June 12th update – Return to play guidelines for June 22 return to organized sports
June 12 Message from New Jersey Youth Soccer:
In today’s COVID-19 briefing, Governor Murphy stated that additional details for youth sports would be released this weekend. NJ Youth Soccer will review that information as soon as possible and distribute updates accordingly. While we do not have particular insight into the pending updates from the State of New Jersey, we remain committed to timely and constructive updates that assist leagues, clubs, coaches, parents and players with their Return to Play efforts. Unless there is a need to do so sooner, our plan will be to address these updates on our weekly Return to Play webinar at 12 noon on Wednesday, June 17th.
June 11th update – Return to play guidelines for June 22 return to organized sports to be released by New Jersey Youth Soccer on JUNE 15th
The reopening of youth sports and soccer activity guidelines for a SAFE and RESPONSIBLE return to play will be issued on JUNE 15th.
June 4th update WAITING FOR Return to play guidelines
New Jersey Youth Soccer continues to develop SAFE and RESPONSIBLE return to play guidelines. Their updates are coming much more frequently but a formalized return to play guideline is not yet official.. These guidelines are expected before June 22 to coincide with Governor Murphy’s announcement of the return of non-contact organized sport activities on June 22. These return to play guidelines would also have to be approved by Essex County and the township of Bloomfield.
June 1st update WAITING FOR Return to play guidelines
Parents, with the announcement of the return of non-contact organized sport activities on June 22, 2020 by Governor Murphy, we are now waiting for release of RETURN TO PLAY guidelines from New Jersey Youth Soccer and the township of Bloomfield moving forward.
Bloomfield Soccer INTOWN – FALL TRAVEL SOCCER Update May 29th
Our goal is to have an exciting, comfortable and safe soccer year for everyone, and, to start playing soccer as soon as we are given the go ahead that we can proceed. The state has announced June 22 as the day organized non-contact youth sports can proceed in limited function. We are waiting for the County of Essex and the Township of Bloomfield to provide further guidelines. Safety is the number one concern. A safe responsible return to play is everyone’s plan.
May 25th update from New Jersey Youth Soccer
This is the statement from New Jersey Youth Soccer:
On Friday, we learned about Governor Murphy‘s executive order that provided more progress towards opening up New Jersey. However, it was also communicated that organized team sports continue to be prohibited. Therefore, while today’s news supports the eventual return to soccer, affiliated and sanctioned soccer activities statewide continue to be suspended.
We are encouraged by Friday’s development and we will continue to work with our member clubs. While we previously targeted a hopeful initial Return to Play date in mid-June, this news allows us to work towards an earlier return to sanctioned activity. Such a return to sanctioned activity will continue to be led by the guidelines previously provided to clubs. As mentioned, we are developing additional Return to Play communication resources to assist clubs, coaches, players and parents.
Thank you for your continued support.
May 19th update
This update includes New Jersey Youth Soccer’s May 17th and May 19th updates and start up of return to play strategies
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the communication from our local, state and federal government about social and physical distancing, NJ Youth Soccer is extending its suspension of all affiliated and sanctioned soccer activities statewide. Our primary focus continues to be the safety and welfare of our players, coaches, referees and communities. For our member organizations (towns, clubs and leagues), this suspension includes, but is not limited to, all in-person events (e.g. practices, training, scrimmages, clinics, tryouts, games and tournaments). Moving forward, we will provide frequent updates as we monitor this issue daily and evaluate the opportunity to return to activity.
As US Youth Soccer State Associations across the country begin to institute new guidelines for youth sports activities, we are taking similar steps while following the directives from our Governor Murphy and the State of New Jersey. We trust many of us are all eager to get back on the field and start playing. That said, we need to be cognizant of our community’s rules and requirements. It is our goal to maintain a spirit of fun and enjoyment, while making sure we comply with all local rules to better protect the health of our community.
We hope to see you all safe, healthy and on the field soon. We Are New Jersey Youth Soccer!
Update (May 19, 2020): Please know that we continue to work on our Return to Play strategy. Further, we are encouraged by yesterday’s announcement from Governor Murphy, and we hope that provides an opportunity for soccer activity in the near future.
May 13th update – Little Cleats PLEASE see the email sent to your account email address for Little Cleats program information.
Bloomfield Soccer INTOWN Update May 13th 2020
Our goal is to have an exciting, comfortable and safe soccer year for everyone, and, to start playing soccer as soon as we are given the go ahead that we can proceed.
This is an evolving plan to do as much as we can, to take those extra steps not just to save a soccer season, but to make an awesome 2020 soccer year.
At this time we are moving forward with a number of plans to combine the spring and fall intown soccer season into one 2020 intown season with some summer soccer activities as well.
The spring teams already set up will remain as they are throughout the year. We will move forward with these plans as we get more guidelines for proceeding safely from Bloomfield Township, Essex County, the Governor’s office in New Jersey, and New Jersey Youth Soccer.
As with everything in our world today, this is subject to change, but we are looking forward to making this happen for our Little Cleats, Hi-5 special needs development academy / Special Olympics, and K-8th grade intown soccer program.
Thank you